Friday, October 12, 2007

October Update!

I will try to update this blog once a week - Fridays seem to be the best day. What a busy week in the Libraries! Who still has their eardrums left after the drumming workshops in Springwood and Katoomba Libraries?

This week has seen the staff work hard on school holiday activities, statistics and upcoming events. I sent around the September Report to all Library staff. I have to provide these Reports monthly to Community & Corporate who give us the money each year to run the Libraries. I try to provide as much information in them so they are aware of the service that we provide to all parts of the Community. Did you see that the Visits were up by 3% on this time last year? And the Internet usage statistics are up by 15%. Seeing these statistics each month remind me why we open our doors 6 days a week.

There are lots of upcoming events. Please promote the Wentworth Falls Book Group. The next meeting will be held on Saturday 20 October. This Book Groups wants to operate a little bit differently to the previous ones - the next session will be to bring a book you have read recently (doesn't matter if you enjoyed it or not!) for discussion and it will be an open forum. I am looking forward to seeing how this will work.

One of the biggest events of the year is about to happen - the Library Halloween Party. Following on from the extravaganza of last year, the Civic Centre is Springwood has been booked for Friday night 2 November. Please come along and help out - I promise it will be a huge and enjoyable night!

Talk to you next week


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