Tuesday, October 14, 2008

More Flickr fun

Helene Blowers who started the whole Library 2.0 thing posted about some fun Flickr widgets you can play with. Read her post here.

The post is really wild - instead of just links to other sites she has thingys that Snap! and show a screen shot of the site - how does she do that? That's the downside of this Learning 2.0 thing - we are only being shown how to skim along the surface.

FlickrSlidr allows you to build a Flickr slideshow and embed it in your blog - you can choose the size of the slideshow and preview it before grabbing the code.

With Bubblr you can add thought or speech bubbles to Flickr pictures for a bit of fun. Search by Flickr account name or just by one tag set. Hmmmmm it goes to an archive - I thought it was going to show on my Flickr page.

Flickr Cover Flow gives you the chance to show your slideshows in a really flash way. I had a play with this tonight - it does work but didn't pick up all the pictures in a tag set and it was quite slow to load. Looks cool though.

And lastly, using the Flickr Badge you can put widget in your blog to show off your flickr photos.

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