9 November 2009
***To PLM Members***
The Annual General Meeting of Public Libraries NSW - Metropolitan Association (PLM) was held in the Metcalfe Auditorium at the State Library of New South Wales on Friday 6 November 2009, 3pm to 5pm. During the AGM, the PLM President Cr Win Gaffney, Mayor of Lane Cove Council, delivered the President's Annual Report. This report is attached to this email, and is also found on the PLM website
www.plmnsw.org.au under Reports on the Submissions, Reports and Presentations web page.
Below are listed the PLM Office Bearers/Executive for 2010.
President: Cr Win Gaffney, Mayor, Lane Cove Council
Vice-President: Clr Anne Connon, Mayor, Mosman Council
Secretary: Jennifer Bice, Manager, Lane Cove Library
Treasurer: Susanna Waller, Manager, Rockdale City Library
Library Manager for the President: Jennifer Bice, Manager, Lane Cove Library
Library Manager for the Vice-President: Linda Horswell, Manager, Mosman Library
Regional Representative: Central/South East: Mark Norman, Manager, Kogarah Library
Regional Representative: North: Cheryl Etheridge, Manager, Hornsby Library
Regional Representative: West South West: Vicki Edmunds, Manager, Blue Mountains Library
PLM Representative to the PLCC: Lyn Barakat, Manager, Sutherland Shire Library.
PLM President and Vice-President Profiles:
Cr Win Gaffney:
Cr Gaffney was first elected to Lane Cove Council in 2004, was the Deputy Mayor in 2007/08 and was recently elected the Mayor. Cr Gaffney has represented Lane Cove Council on the Shorelink Library Network Committee during which time she has served as both Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson.
Cr Anne Connon:
Cr Connon has a background in the Finance and Investment industries, has experience as a Company Director, and is the newly elected Mayor of Mosman Council. Cr Connon has also represented Mosman Council on the Shorelink Library Network Committee.
With kind regards,
Robert McEntyre
Executive Director
Public Libraries NSW Metropolitan Association (PLM)
Mobile: 0407 208 364
Business: 02 9489 2310 (+61 2 9489 2310)
PLM Website: www.plmnsw.org.au